Amy’s Life in Brief

My life in brief

I’m a stay at home mom with two young sons. I’m just trying to stay sane and not worry too much about the things I can’t control.

The other thing you should know…when I mention my job…I try my best to keep things intentionally vague so as not to violate anyone confidentiality.  I’m hoping it still makes sense.  When I mention a situation at work, I’m going for the general psychosocial issue and how it affects social work practice in the setting in which I work.  I don’t use names, even made up ones, and try to leave out as many identifying details as possible.  My goal here is not to talk about specific people but the issues that they face.

The only time I’m talking about specific people is when I mention my family!  So, hopefully they won’t be too upset about that!

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hi Amy!

your posts are very insightful. really good writing and personal. thank you for sharing…

i’ve been meaning to leave a note but not until i finally have your postcard on my site featured! Thank you for sending! I would love to exchange a card with you so if you could send me an address to mail the postcard to…

I wish you all the best! 🙂

Comment by mae

Hi, you don’t have to publish this…just found your blog through a mutual link. Funny how your life sounds a lot like mine. I was a Medical social worker for 10 years, went part time when the kids were born, was primary bread winner of the house while my husband stayed home. He kept them alive during the day, but did not do much else. Struggled with stress of job (hospital life) and then making the transition to home where I was immediately back into the mom-do everything role. My husband also has a cronic disease which makes life even more complicated.
I was actually laid off my job 3 years ago due to the economy. I was one of 5 social workers and two of us were laid off because we had less time (at 10 yrs!)
I have been home now and not sure if I could go back. I miss it many days, but others I don’t think I could handle the crap that comes along with the job. Not the patients, but the politics. I worked at the county hospital.
Anyway, I just wanted to say HI because I was enjoying your blog and how similar your life was.
Thanks for sharing. You can email me if you like.


Comment by amy

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