Amy’s Life in Brief

A wish for a happy day…
May 29, 2010, 6:09 pm
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I am hoping that The Trench Warrior is having a wonderful day today, the day of her birth!

I may have to put my money where my mouth is…

There is a certain group of physicians in my community that do not take Medicaid patients and only take a certain number of Medicare patients. If you don’t have insurance, well, let’s just say you’d better have your credit card and/or check book ready.

My family actually uses this group. It’s a large group with a number of specialities. My family has gotten all over care there. The Husband’s diabetes is well managed there. My two difficult and high-risk pregnancies were managed there. The pediatrician for The G and The D are there. The D’s asthma specialist is there. We have always gotten good care there, but I am thinking we are going to have to switch providers.

The thing is, I think that they are immoral assholes. I know a person who very likely has colon cancer. She has been seeing a GI doctor at this group and had been able to scrape the money together to see him because “he’s the best.” But, here’s the thing. This supposed health care provider won’t do her colonoscopy to give her a definitive diagnosis and determine an appropriate course of treatment until she is able to come up with $2500. I realize he’s probably not made that decision on his own, that this has come from the business office, but to me it might as well be the same thing.

So, she was approved for financial assistance through the organization I work for….after two and a half months. Now he’s going to “help” her by getting in to see one of our GI specialists.

I am disgusted and appalled by this situation. And frankly I’m a little horrified that we have supported this group financially over so many years. So, I’m starting the process to get our care transferred to other providers. I’m a little loath to transfer The D’s care due to all of his issues, but I may just have to. We’ll probably have to at least stick with the asthma specialist, but a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do.

And this is also why I am continuing to advocate for health care reform. In case you weren’t aware, people really, truly are dying because they don’t have insurance. It’s not as dramatic to watch as a car wreck or plane crash, but sometimes it’s many times more tragic.