Amy’s Life in Brief

Today’s Post
May 29, 2009, 7:34 pm
Filed under: birthday, blogging, cyber-stalking | Tags:

I was sitting here pondering what my post for today should be about. I was at a loss. I’ve had a couple of “WTF!” moments at work. However, I haven’t figured out how to adequately describe the situations and still maintain an adequate level of confidentiality. But then….the idea hit me!

I will just use this post to wish Reas a very happy birthday! I hope it’s a great one!

Focusing on the big things…
May 18, 2009, 6:22 pm
Filed under: balance, worries | Tags: ,

That is what I have decided I need to do to save my sanity. I have been in a funk lately, worrying and thinking about a few things going on in my life. I’ve been obsessing over a lot of issues and it has really gotten to me.

So, I’ve decided the problem isn’t really the issue, but how I’ve been (or not been) coping with it. I’m trying to focus only on the big things. The little things, I’m going to try to let those go. I see the little things happening and then I read so much into those little details that it is driving me absolutely nuts.

So, I’m going to try to not sweat the small stuff, focus on the bigger picture and hope that the bigger picture becomes clearer!

I find the most interesting things…
May 16, 2009, 9:36 am
Filed under: alternative media, social media, social networking sites | Tags: ,

when I check my blog stats and where my links are coming from. One of my links came from this site. It’s actually kind of a cool site and an interesting premise. It looks like something that could suck away hours and hours, if you aren’t careful. So consider yourself warned!

A vague post…
May 16, 2009, 9:29 am
Filed under: Relief | Tags: , ,

Just be warned, this post will probably end up being so vague that it will make little to no sense…..

Right now I am cautiously optimistic and I feel bad for feeling this way. Something has happened that shouldn’t make me feel hopeful, but it does. In fact, I feel a bit like a bad person for feeling this way…my karma is probably a bit sullied because of this. At this same time, I’m really trying to keep my hopes in check because what has happened may not end up changing anything…but just maybe it will.